Azure Student $100 未激活
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Azure Student $100 账号,订阅未激活,你需要自行承担激活失败的风险,无质保,激活失败不退款。
访问 https://signup.azure.com/studentverification?offerType=1 进行激活。实测干净的中国 IP + 中国手机号也可以激活成功。
Azure for Student $100 account, subscription is not activated. You need to bear the risk of activation failure, no warranty, no refund if activation fails.
Recently, the risk control is high, and the possibility of activation failure is high. It is not recommended for inexperienced people to buy!
Visit https://signup.azure.com/studentverification?offerType=1 to activate.
Please understand the purpose and usage of this product by yourself.